The draft 2025-2026 admissions arrangements for each of the Embrace Multi Academy Trust school’s are available to view below. Copies of the documents can also be obtained from the school’s office or via
As the Admissions Authority, Embrace Multi Academy Trust must consult on its schools’ admission arrangements when changes are proposed, and at least once every seven years.
The consultation period will run from Wednesday 20 December 2023 until Wednesday 31 January 2024; during this time, parents and other key stakeholders are invited to express their views and any concerns about the proposed changes to the oversubscription criteria within admission arrangements.
Responses should be submitted before 5pm on 31 January 2024 via one of the following methods:
- Complete and submit the online form available here
- Send an email to, putting ‘admissions consultation’ in the subject line
- Write a letter to Embrace Multi Academy Trust, The School Bungalow, Croft CE Primary School, Brookes Avenue, Croft, Leicestershire, LE9 3GJ
Please include your name and relationship to the relevant school if you are responding by email or letter.
All responses will be considered at the end of the consultation period before the final admissions arrangements are determined by the Embrace Board of Trustees.
Please use the links below to see the proposed criteria and full draft policy for each school:
Consultation of Admissions Arrangements 2025-2026
For queries or further information regarding the Admissions Consultation you can contact Embrace via email: